3 PSeye Cameras with OpencCV Contour for blobtracking

Hey guys,

im in a difficult tracking situation for a corridor 3x3 Meter’s ceiling height and width. The corridor is 14meters long.

We were not able to find a tracking solution for this difficult situation.

For now the idea is to simply blob track 3 spots in the corridor to atleast get some information on how many people / how much movement is happening ( at what position )along the corridor. (defined by Bin size and position of Contour’s I guess )

My idea is using 3 PSeye IR mod cameras with IR lighting.

****Question: ****

Would 3 PSeye Cameras work well with openCV contour? Ive had Problems with other cameras and don’t want to waste money on them otherwise. Will it work in one VVVV instance? Is there a better option than using Contour?

Did anyone every try using cheap attachable wide-angle lenses on a PSeye camera and could suggest one that works well?

Other ideas for tracking are welcome. Kinect and RadarTouch have already been ruled out :(

15€ each… I guess I’ll just try my luck ;O