» Developer log
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Developer log

acl(admin devvvv vvvvgroup)

12 11 12 - joreg

  • to create a release build of Flash (EX9.Texture) set the following ENV variables and either use VS 2010 or when using msbuild following the instructions here by downloading VS2010 SDK and VS2010 VM SDK
    • FUI_LICENSENAME = "Meso"
    • FUI_LICENSENUMBER = "4139876481"
  • at least the build server should be configured that way

02 10 12 - elias

  • to create TLB files in XE2
    • for x86: open VS 2010 x86 command line as admin
    • for x64: open VS 2010 x64 command line as admin
    • 'regasm /tlb VVVV.Hosting.dll'
  • to create pas files
    • importing via delphi IDE fails for some reason
    • open RAD Studio command line
    • tlibimp -P VVVV.Hosting.tlb
  • depending on platform (x86/x64) the generated pas files differ when dealing with parameters marshaled as IntPtr. the pas file uses either int or in64, these need to be changed manually to NativeInt.

11 05 11 - joreg

  • to create a release build of Flash (EX9.Texture) manually fill out:
    • LICENSENAME = "Meso"
    • LICENSENUMBER = "4139876481"

09 02 11 - elias

  • VVVV_PluginInterfaces_TLB.pas needs following manual changes if regenerated with regasm /tlb VVVV.PluginInterfaces.dll
uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, mscorlib_TLB, StdVCL, Variants,
Basics, ColorUtils, VMath;
// *********************************************************************//
// Declaration of structures, unions and aliases.                         
// *********************************************************************//
  PDouble1 = PMValue; {*}
  PSingle1 = PSingle; {*}

11 01 11 - joreg

  • observation: when starting AddonsCore.sln in MonoDevelop the following troubles have to be fixed:
    • der referencepath wird nicht interpretiert, also wird auf den hintpath zugegriffen, der gern mal nicht stimmt. muss händisch in den .csprojs angepasst werden
    • das unsafe-code flag muss man bei ein paar projekten nochmal setzen
    • der ausgabe pfad wird irgendwie nicht immer richtig interpretiert
    • der assemblyname auch nicht
    • manche projekte waren einfach gar nicht zu sehen in der sollution. einfach nochmal hinzufügen.

17 08 10 - joreg

  • _DynamicNodes branch is closed
  • work continues back on trunk

18 04 10 - joreg

  • in the _DynamicNodes branch: replaced custom PluginInterfaces.pas with automatically translated version _PluginInterfaces_TLB.pas. still needs some custom changes though.
    • replace interface uses with the following:

uses Windows, HDEModel_TLB, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, mscorlib_TLB, OleServer, StdVCL, Variants, ColorUtils, VMath, Basics;

    • replace all occurences of PDouble1 with PMValue
    • also make sure \src\core\plugins does not contain any mscorlib_TLB.pas and System.Drawing_TLB.pas

19 12 09 - elias

  • removed docvvvvriter project
  • use new command line switch for vvvv instead:^vvvv.exe /nodelist [filename]^

01 12 09 - elias

  • to update the build number of vvvv.exe use the file version_info.rc. this file will be used by the resource compiler to create the resource file version_info.res which will further be linked into the vvvv.exe. if the version number in the exe doesn't change try to delete the file version_info.res and recompile vvvv.

26 11 09 - joreg

  • update to current version of the jcl
  • vvvv.dpr/.dproj commited with correct paths and defines (also see src\vvvv settings.txt)
  • update to managedVCL 3.05

20 07 09 - joreg

  • working on a way for jitter-free videoloading/switching in filestream based on gmfbridge i added gmfbridge.ax to the \bin directory. note that after update you need to set a new searchpath (see src\vvvv settings.txt)

30 10 08 - joreg

  • commited vvvv.dproj file which should now be used to open the project (it depends on still needed vvvv.dpr)
  • removed old vvvv.bdsproj file

23 01 08 - gregor

  • branch for new xml message based boygrouping:


13 01 08 - joreg


05 11 07 - joreg

  • .dlls compiled with msvc++ >= 2005 (like eg. our beattracker, calibfilter,..) depend on ms-runtime .dlls like eg. msvcr80.dll. we don't want to ship those but rather have our users install them via an official ms-download. also we have to make sure that our .dlls come with an embedded manifest (which is the default for msvc++ projects) linking to those .dlls.

31 08 07 - joreg

  • neuer branch fürs plugininterface: svn://cvs.meso.net/public/vvvv33/branches/plugininterface

03 11 06 - joreg

  • cleaned up vvvv.dpr and moved things to a clean Startup.pas
  • Startup.pas must not include any vvvv-units since its initialization section is supposed to be called first of all
  • Startup.pas creates GStartupLog and GCommandline global objects before anything else vvvv related has happened.
  • GStartupLog is a very simple log that can just be added lines to. when /logstartup is specified as commandline flag the log is saved after every added line

23 10 06 - joreg

  • changed dynamic textures default pool to managed and usage to not include dynamic because: D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP doesn't seem to work with D3DPOOL_DEFAULT and _not_ D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET set
  • added TextureTester.v4p to girlpower which pretty much shows all texture nodes in action. before every release make sure this patch loads and looks cool (make XXXTester patches for other groups of nodes!)

26 01 05 - joreg

08 12 04 - joreg

  • added CADeleteMeDontAsk Aktion to internal messaging protokol for forcing deleting/closing patches without asking for saving if they have changed.

30 11 04 - michel

  • wrote a unit called HidDeviceController.pas
  • Hid = Human Interface Devices; HidDeviceController wraps the JvHidDeviceController of the HidDeviceCOntrollerComponent
  • there can be only one JvHidDeviceController, so there is one HidDeviceController in Globals: GGlobals.HidDeviceControllerObj
  • it is offering a callback on Change of Hid-Devices, which can be accessed via GGlobals.HidDeviceControllerObj.OnDeviceChange
  • it is used by IOWarrior40-Node to create a HidDevice and retrieve callbacks from the HidDeviceController (OnDeviceChange)

12 11 04 -joreg

  • wrote a unit called DeviceListener.pas
  • currently offers callbacks for Arrival/Removal of USB & Firewire devices.
  • callbacks can be accessed via GGlobals.DeviceListener.Onxxxx
  • for now only used with VideoInput and GameDevices
  • extendable

anonymous user login


~6d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~8d ago

~9d ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~13d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~13d ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~20d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~27d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/

~27d ago

~27d ago

fleg: hey there! What's the best tool for remote work? Teamviewer feels terrible. Thanks!

~1mth ago

joreg: Last call: 6-session vvvv beginner course starting November 4: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-part-i/