VAudio VSTHost not working

I can’t get VSTHost to work with any VST effect. The VST-GUI is displayed, but the node stays red all the time and doesn’t produce any sound.

Exception occured in TMPluginWrapperNode.Evaluate
Der Typ “Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.RawMessageEventArgs” in der Assembly “Sanford.Multimedia.Midi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null” konnte nicht geladen werden.

Asio4All and the Visual C++ redistributable are installed, the rest of the audio pack works fine.

you seem to have an older VVVV version installed or an older pack that comes with an old Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.dll… you can either download a fresh vvvv or you take the Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.dll from the latest vvvv and replace it in your version wherever its located…