Tablet plugin issues

having troubles with the epic

  • randomly stops working
  • causes exceptions (division by zero in exceptionlog)

thats what tty says:

00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Cursor Nameslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Cursor Subtypeslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Cursor Typeslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Cursor Serial No.slicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Cursorslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Pressureslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Yslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:06:28  -  : ? (?).Xslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!

facts are:

  • win xp 32bit
  • wacom intuos 4
  • beta 26

does anyone have (not) those problems???

thanks in advance,

sorry for late on this.

i removed the tty-errors but they were not harmful. also noticed the random stops, but were not able to reproduce them. in those cases the driver actually seems to stop sending updates. so i am not sure if this is even the plugins fault.

if anybody finds a way to force those stops its probably possible to debug it further.

ah, don’t have the tablet anymore… in kinda worked in the end

so, i think this thread can be closed
