Sub2r 1080p 60fps usb3/gigE for VVVV projects

I’ve recently been researching cameras that can stream HD video at high framerates, and broadly it seems that there’s a fair gap between consumer webcams (affordable but generally capped at 30fps and no custom lenses) and industrial cameras that can do amazing things, but are crazy expensive if you want this kind of feature set.

I have, however, come across a group of people who are working on a camera that they claim will do 1080p 60 and 720p 120, with a lot of control over optics and onboard image processing. Their primary focus is “broadcast quality” YouTube/Twitch streaming, but it looks ideal for the kind of thing I want to do, and could be a good balance between features and affordability for VVVV stuff in general. I was quoted a tentative price of around $375 US for the 1080p 60 camera and $275 US for the 720p 60 version. Alpha versions will apparently ship in April.

Here’s a brief summary of the camera’s general featureset:

Interchangeable 12mm optics
Interchangeable camera boards (upgrade is a change of board not an entire new camera)
User configurable onboard H.264 compression
User configurable onboard image enhancement algorithms
Output via USB3.0 or GigE
Access to AUX I/O
Onboard dual microphones, external audio I/O both streams interlaced

I’ve also added a (probably outdated by now) spec sheet they emailed me a few weeks ago.

And here are some video examples on their YouTube channel.

SUB2r Camera Specs15-0630 (1).pdf (269.4 kB)

I couldn’t see any info on what kind of latency you can expect from the system as a whole.

Yeah, they don’t excel at having all of their information accessible. Here’s what they said about latency when I emailed.

“For our core tech – 3D imaging we needed very low latency. If you stream raw uncompressed data your latency can be less than 1 frame. That’s in an extreme case, but we run at those speeds in our lab.”