Plugin Interface2 coding question


we trying to rebuild our old plugins to new plugin interface, but faced some problems…

for example,

public enum eSeparate { None = 1, Return, Word, Character, Key, Text };
 [Input("Separate by", EnumName = "eSeparate")](Input("Separate by", EnumName = "eSeparate"))
        protected IDiffSpread<EnumEntry> FSeparateEnum;

“Separate by” pin should show enum from eSeparate, but it didn’t.
how can we use here the following:

public enum eSeparate { None = 1, Return, Word, Character, Key, Text };


in some unknown reasons we do not have enumeration Templates in our plugin folder.

for c# enums its as easy as that:

public enum eSeparate { None = 1, Return, Word, Character, Key, Text };

[Input(“Separate by”)](Input(“Separate by”))
protected IDiffSpread FSeparateEnum;