Connections issue

I’m using some bezier conections between nodes, when I reopen the patch they are all tangled, so I ctl Y, they look neat, reopen and there back where they are again
I’ve had this issue in beta 13 as well.
I’ve had other nodes not save their positions too, at various times, keyboard node seems particulary good at doing that!


i remember tonfilm mentioned a workaround:

before saving select the whole patch (CTRL-A) and move it a little bit.

seems related to the bug with docked windows, which you have to resize a little bit before saving to keep them docked after restarting.

btw: i prefer the default links and make rare use of the bezier ones.
makes it easier to modify and extend patches.

TBH I hardly ever use them, but when there’s a mad tangle of wires I sometimes tidy up! It would be nice if they cycled through all 3 states straight-bezier-angles maybe?

you are right: the cycle-mode of CTRL-Y is somehow strange and hardly understable.