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This page is viewable for vvvv group only.
This page is viewable for vvvv group only.
This page is viewable for vvvv group only.

In fact this page is viewable for Admins also. However it is supposed to be read by the vvvv group only.


vvvv zeichnet sich aus durch:

  • rapid prototyping
    • easy to set up
    • play = edit + undo + inspect + profile + run
    • dynamic spreads, static types, subtypes
  • modularity + extensibility
    • subpatching: modularity
    • modules: multi purpose
    • plugins (video, GPU, sound & open purpose)
    • community sharing
  • rich set of general purpose nodes
    • string manipulation, XML
    • math: linear algebra
    • boolean logic and automatas
    • typed list/spread manipulation
    • colors
  • special purpose excellence for reactive installations
    • accelerated 3d graphics
    • boygrouping
    • reactive animation techniques (filters)
    • highly communicative over standard protocols
    • externals for undistorting video and projections
    • supports internet protocols, lighting industry standards
    • high stability of untouched system
  • street credibility
    • wonderful community (friendly, enthusiastic, willing to share knowledge, open minded)
    • artist- und student friendly license
    • cool GUI, cool node names, cool user contributions
    • inviting, extensible website
    • accesibility of devvvvs & super-users (skype, irc, forums)
    • xmas releases, startup patches, "girlpower" patches
    • links to cool project documentations, flickr, vimeo communities
    • practice of giving workshops, node08

vvvv's Schwächen & Ziele:

  • missing bricks towards a more general purpose language
    • generic list/spread manipulation nodes
    • revised state system supporting slice oriented patching (patch states <-> node states ..)
    • function values (= callbacks; as a result of partial application of nodes)
    • ability to patch spectral nodes
    • ability to define own slice types (as one way to master the multidimensionality issue = avoiding index resorting troubles & binsize madnesses)
  • missing bricks towards a more performant runtime
    • no multicore support, although conceptually possible
    • no 64bit support, although vvvv is a perfect tool for utilizing gigabytes of texture memory
    • think about performance for dx/ex nodes (dx10?)
    • what is necessary for a high performance c# plugin api? (caching & recalculation flags; compact data structures for long spreads; reduce number of calls; using dx objects directly in the plugin)
    • more explicit evaluation control for node writers, discarding special convenience (spread-)modes; touch all nodes
    • better ischanged (/isdirty), caching, (in-)validation mechanisms for both spread and slice properties; touch all nodes
    • detection of constant branches
    • ability to mute sinks (e.g. nodes with states)
    • documentation
    • compiler with optimization techniques for autonomous runtime
  • missing bricks towards a more elegant tool
    • have a well structured book
    • see (& extend) list of gui ideas
    • user interface in separate thread (no freeze when opening dialogs; better workflow with <5fps framerates)
    • ability to define subtypes in ioboxes
    • some builtin refactoring tools (select nodes -> make subpatch, select subpatch node -> inline, ..)
    • optionally show configuration pins in patch & connect constant branches
    • generic c# & f# nodes allowing to write & run a node on the fly
    • better tools for optical structurization of patches (regions, link/node colors)
    • clean up node names & categories, augment with tags -> better menu
    • more & better help patches (or less nodes if possible)
    • externals packaging & updating tool (client & server side)
  • missing bricks towards more elegance in special purpose areas
    • videoplayback without workarounds (no freeze when setting a new video file; spreadable FileStream; seamless loops; preload Video in RAM)
    • text rendering (rich text in each slice, high performance, high quality kerning, antialiasing, typographic control, spreadable)
    • being able to work with different frame rates in different parts of the patch. deal with high frame rates suitable for music. deal with very low frame rates for web services. deal with very high frame rates from sensors.
    • GUI building in a renderer and on the web
    • more easy to use modules (e.g. for standard HIDs)
    • more tutorials (e.g. How to use vvvv as a web server)
    • video tutorials
    • replace GDI with a hardware accelerated / more elegant 2d graphics lib
    • (give ability to draw with different rendering techniques (2d, dx, ..) onto one canvas); discuss
    • COLLADA support, effect .fxh editing (far away: new high level 3d engine, shader patching)
    • better ODE support or other physic engines. .
  • short term
    • enrich PluginInterface with missing pin/node types
    • transport Changed flags over node connections
    • documentation on debug mode and performance techniques
    • Spaces in Development

vvvv group

Die vvvv group zeichnet sich aus durch:

  • Entwicklung eines multipurpose tools
    • Initiative von Seiten Oschatz/Wolf eine durch Projekte finanzierte, wiederverwendbare Software zu schaffen
    • Laborcharakter vom frühen meso, Enthusiasmus aller Beteiligten
    • Initiative von allen Beteiligten nochmal von vorne anzufangen um das Ergebnis mit der Welt zu teilen
    • Praxisnahe Ansätze (resultierend aus Projektnähe)
    • fruchtbare Freiräume bei der Entwicklung, wertvolle Diskussionen erlauben mehr multipurpose als Projekte benötigen würden
    • Initiative von Seiten Joreg/Gregor die Software am Leben zu halten und die Entwicklung weiter zu führen
    • Initiative Verbreitung & Wirtschaften: Website, Lizenzen
    • Initiative neue Kräfte zu binden: Diplomarbeiten, Praktika etc.
    • Loslösung vvvv von meso, Bildung der vvvv group
    • Trotz aller Jobverpflichtungen und Lebensumstände: dran bleiben

Schwächen & Ziele der vvvv group:

  • Kommunikation
    • intern (wir vier)
    • Kommunikation mit Mitentwicklern
    • Commitment, Kommunikation nach aussen
  • Rollen
    • Entwicklung: Berlin




  • vvvv's Schwächen zu Zielen machen (siehe oben); besonders wichtig scheinen die Punkte:
    • missing bricks towards a more elegant tool
    • missing bricks towards a more performant runtime
  • parallel weiter praktisch forschen. Je nach Resultat wird bei Zeiten entschieden wie mit weitreichenderen Zielen verfahren wird:
    • missing bricks towards a more general purpose language
  • parallel diese Themen bearbeiten / verantwortungsvoll betreuen:
    • missing bricks towards more elegance in special purpose areas

vvvv group


vvvv group

  • Kalender-Sharing um die Aktivitäten der einzelnen Mitglieder besser im Blick zu haben


Keynote node10

node08: die letzten 10 Jahre.
node10: was muss hier stehen? Allerdings arbeitet die Zukunftsforschung mit anderen Zeiträumen als die Archäologie


vvvv group

anonymous user login


~2d ago

joreg: 6 session beginner course part 2 "Deep Dive" starts January 13th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-part-ii/

~2d ago

joreg: 6 session beginner course part 1 "Playground" starts November 4th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-part-i/

~2d ago

joreg: Save the date: Oktober 17: vvvv meetup in Berlin!

~4d ago

joreg: 12 session online vvvv beginner course postponed to start November 4th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-class/

~15d ago

~24d ago

joreg: Webinar on October 2nd: Rhino meets Realtime with vvvv https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/webinar-rhino-meets-realtime-with-vvvv/

~29d ago

joreg: Introducing: Support for latest Ultraleap hand-tracking devices: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/introducing-support-for-new-ultraleap-devices/

~1mth ago

joreg: 2 day vvvv/fuse workshop in Vienna as part of NOISE festival on Sept. 13 and 14: https://www.noise.ist/vienna

~1mth ago

joreg: New beginner video tutorial: World Cities https://youtu.be/ymzrK7tZLBI

~1mth ago

catweasel: https://colour-burst.com/2023/01/26/macroscopic/ yeah, ' is there anyone who cares about slides anymore...' Well me for a start! :D