A node based UI widgets library made in VL for Skia rendering.
The library includes:
- a collection of ready to use widgets to handle the most common value types in vvvv Gamma
- a set of Layout nodes to easily arrange your widgets and create responsive UIs
- a bunch of utilities and help patches
To use the latest stable version:
1. go to Gamma's Quad menu > Manage Nugets > Commandline
2. type this:
nuget install vl.elementa
3. press Enter and wait the ending of the installation process
Contributing to the development
- Clone the repositoryhttps://github.com/vvvv-dottore/VL.Elementa
- build the solution located in the `src` folder in `Release` mode.
- You can then start contributing to the lib.
Chat Roomhttps://riot.im/app/#/room/#VL.Elementa:matrix.org
MIT License - You're free to use VL.Elementa in your creative & commercial projects.
Natan Sinigaglia
- Cleanup in the node browser
- some fixes
- New LayerElementum widget
- New Drawable component
- Drawing performance improved
- New Image node
- Fixes in help patches
- New Panel node
- New Folder node
- New Style utility nodes
- New Tooltip component
- Added GetStyleSheet operation in IElementum
- Added GetComponentsVersion in IElementum
- Changed GetDirtyLayout and GetDirtyGraph operations in IElementum to GetLayoutVersion and GetGraphVersion
- Introduced ElementaContext class: every widget have access to the graph resources
- Added SetElementaContext and SetMe operations in IElementum
- Introduced SetElementaContext and SetParent operations in IComponent: each component has now access to any resource of the graph and can easily edit its own parent widget
- Different Layout/Graph/Components changes check system
- Help patches now referencing the nuget instead of the vl file (SavingAs the patches doesn't break the reference)
- Cleaned Root node architecture
- fixed Moveable and Resizeable components behaviour in multi selection scenarios
- New componentProcessors management
- Individual help patches available for all widgets
- Added node and pin descriptions on all widgets
- Reorganized help patches
- Deleted TextFieldMultiline, which is now TextField
- Some minor fixes
- New nodes to push widgets to Overlay
- Renamed the library to VL.Elementa
- New widget architecture : value properties and widget manager are now generic
- completely reworked StyleSheet management
- Style can be provided to a widget with the new Styleable component
- Orientation, multi-components widgets and specific attributes are now handled by components (was in widget managers before)
- Widgets can now have custom drawers
- Layout nodes (stack, columns, etc) now provide more options to play with, allowing more precise layout
- Added Padding to layout nodes
- A widget's ValueProperty can be provided from outside, allowing several widgets to share the same ValueProperty
- mapping between external ValueProperties of different types
- New help patches explaining custom drawers, shared value properties and Moveable/Resizeable components
- First version of the architecture
This looks amazing! What's the licence on the source code? Sorry if I just overlooked a licence file.
Thanks dominikKoller, I updated the Readme with Licencing details ;)
Hallo, dropdown widgets are not working for me, selection seems to change on click but there is no dropdown.
io this was fixed couple of days ago. make sure to have the last version (2.0.4)
Hallo I can´t get OpenCV Videoin enumeration input to work with Elementa DropdownEnum. Not responding and not showing the enumerations.