» Renderer Editor (DX11)
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Renderer Editor (DX11)

Credits: zelesha for testing, vux for open source dx11 subsystem, unc for tips, and Michael Antykov (http://videofabrika.com) for sponsoring research


Special version of Renderer which allows to select (find) and transform objects-nodes directly in Renderer window (with feedback).

  • Select object with middle mouse click,
  • Manipulate it with pressed right button.

Submit bugs and requests to:


Use dx11 pack from Contributions only.



  • Add toolbar with modes and axis,
  • Swap behavior of mouse buttons,
  • Some fixes.


  • Fixed bug of coordinates conversion


  • Small bug fixes

Mail me if you find bug or have to talk :)


19.01.15 [15:25 UTC] by gumilastik | 1113 downloads

catweasel 15/01/2015 - 19:31

Sounds great, but when I middle click on a quad after selecting it, the postion goes to 453333333333332.0000 for example, when I move my mouse the tiniest bit!

robotanton 15/01/2015 - 20:15

Hm. It works for me.
Very cool! Any plans for scaling/rotation?


Noir 15/01/2015 - 20:40

quote cat
same situation here

catweasel 17/01/2015 - 15:01

My issue is fixed as of v1.2

antokhio 17/01/2015 - 15:28

hoping for 64 version ;]

sebl 17/01/2015 - 19:27

hm, unforunately i get only this error in TTY:

 00:00:31 ERR : Exception caused by node during render :/73/57
 00:00:31 ERR : System.MissingMethodException in 1072279917._dynamic_.1: Method not found: 'Void FeralTic.DX11.Resources.DX11SwapChain..ctor(FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext, IntPtr, SlimDX.DXGI.Format, SlimDX.DXGI.SampleDescription, Int32)'.
    at VVVV.DX11.Nodes.DX11_EditorRendererNode.Update(IPluginIO pin, DX11RenderContext context)
    at VVVV.DX11.Nodes.DX11_EditorRendererNode.Render(DX11RenderContext context)
    at VVVV.DX11.Lib.RenderGraph.DX11DeviceRenderer.ProcessNode(DX11Node node) in c:\vvvv\dx11-vvvv\Core\VVVV.DX11.Lib\RenderGraph\DX11DeviceRenderer.cs:line 251
 00:00:31  -  : Stack Trace
 00:00:31  -  :    at VVVV.DX11.Nodes.DX11_EditorRendererNode.Update(IPluginIO pin, DX11RenderContext context)
    at VVVV.DX11.Nodes.DX11_EditorRendererNode.Render(DX11RenderContext context)
    at VVVV.DX11.Lib.RenderGraph.DX11DeviceRenderer.ProcessNode(DX11Node node) in c:\vvvv\dx11-vvvv\Core\VVVV.DX11.Lib\RenderGraph\DX11DeviceRenderer.cs:line 251
velcrome 17/01/2015 - 23:03

confirm exception. placing FeralTic.dll into the plugins dir does not help.

with beta31.2 i can see colored quads, more recent x86 versions don't even do that. no editing possible :(

where did you keep the plugin while developing?

if it's meant to be #fun why not opensource it? maybe someone even fixes you up with an x64 :P

tnkstn 17/01/2015 - 23:24

works for me with beta33.3 / win 8.1 pro

vux 02/02/2015 - 20:12

There's been some changes between b31.2 and b33, so if this has been build in 33 will not work in prior version (for people having error above)

vux 02/02/2015 - 20:13

@velcrome: there's a github link aboove ;)

jishnuthewalker 16/04/2022 - 23:43

how do i install this :(

anonymous user login


~3d ago

joreg: 6 session beginner course part 2 "Deep Dive" starts January 13th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-part-ii/

~3d ago

joreg: 6 session beginner course part 1 "Playground" starts November 4th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-part-i/

~4d ago

joreg: Save the date: Oktober 17: vvvv meetup in Berlin!

~5d ago

joreg: 12 session online vvvv beginner course postponed to start November 4th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-class/

~16d ago

~25d ago

joreg: Webinar on October 2nd: Rhino meets Realtime with vvvv https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/webinar-rhino-meets-realtime-with-vvvv/

~1mth ago

joreg: Introducing: Support for latest Ultraleap hand-tracking devices: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/introducing-support-for-new-ultraleap-devices/

~1mth ago

joreg: 2 day vvvv/fuse workshop in Vienna as part of NOISE festival on Sept. 13 and 14: https://www.noise.ist/vienna

~1mth ago

joreg: New beginner video tutorial: World Cities https://youtu.be/ymzrK7tZLBI

~1mth ago

catweasel: https://colour-burst.com/2023/01/26/macroscopic/ yeah, ' is there anyone who cares about slides anymore...' Well me for a start! :D