» Mirror (Value)
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Mirror (Value)

Credits: lichterloh, bildwerk


Multiplies the Input Spread with (-1/1); resulting Slice Count is twice the Input Slice Count.
With Bin Sizes and Reverse option.
Including helpfile.

Very easy function; I use a module version of this frequently in all kinds of cases, so I've decided to do a plugin and share it. Suggestions on the code very welcome, not a pro in written code ;)

update: bug discovered in newest beta32.1 + performance improvement by leo bildwerk; helppatch updated


21.06.14 [02:46 UTC] by digitalwannabe | 668 downloads
Show 1 older revisions

Older Revisions

13.05.14 [00:56 UTC] by digitalwannabe | 517 downloads

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~8d ago

joreg: Postponed: Next vvvv beginner course starting April 29: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/vvvv-beginner-class-summer-2024/

~1mth ago

~1mth ago

joreg: The Winter Season of vvvv workshops is now over but all recordings are still available for purchase: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ws23-vvvv-intermediates/

~2mth ago

schlonzo: Love the new drag and drop functionality for links in latest previews!

~2mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 29 02: Create Sequencers and Precise Clock Based Tools. Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws23-vvvv-08-create-sequencers-and-precise-clock-based-tools-in-vvvv-gamma/