» art-net set for arduino
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art-net set for arduino

Credits: Karistouf


Thoses sketchs for the arduino enables you to send it DMX in art-net. You can send 512 channels from VVVV thruth the DMX (art-net Sender) node.

This works with Duemillanove and UNO, on Arduino 22 software.


  • art-net receiver.pde wich analyse if packets received are really art-net. see the universe, opcodes. Store in a buffer_dmx values. Up to you to do what you want with it.
  • art-net receiver RAW.pde doesn't analyse anything. Just store the incoming packet as if it was an art-net packet. Dangerous if you use it in non closed and very controlled network.
  • art-net et tlc.pde wich enable you to use a TLC5940NT to increase heavely number of output dimmable you can have on your UNO.

TLC5940 has 14 output and is daisy chainable. Unfortunately, use of Ethernet Shield and TLC on a same arduino board is physically conflicting.
For this a hack of the headers in the arduino core header, the ethernet library, and the TLC library.
Wiring is changed from the usually wiring you may find around.
An html doc ( in french and english ) is included in the folder.
This hack is Tofe86 arduino's contribution on the topic of ethernet / TLC conflict.

Just done a little test with my whitecat here:


art-net for arduino.zip
21.04.11 [02:39 UTC] by karistouf | 2298 downloads
a set of sketch for art-net reception in arduino

sapo 21/04/2011 - 03:13

seems very intresting but i don't get if works with arduino standalone or i need some shield for it?

karistouf 21/04/2011 - 09:13

yes sapo you need Ethernet shield !http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoEthernetShield

It works with Arduino 22 ( and surely 21) version. Tested on UNO and Deumillanove.

You upload sketch as usual with USB. Then you can take your arduino on battery or transformator far away.
Plug it to RJ45 connected to your computer and send artnet ( you need to edit adress in art-net sender node).

You can test directly the art-net recever with a LED on a PWM pin.
At the end of this script you have a place to write your routing of DMX data to analog or digital PIN
The TLC thing is more complicated ;-)

patrick 21/04/2011 - 09:52

Great work karistouf :D
Essential for my upcoming project!

karistouf 21/04/2011 - 10:00

it s for your eyes Partick ! as i said in the HTML about TCL, thanks to have remembered me this thing to do !

bilderbuchi 26/04/2011 - 15:36

this seems very practicable! nice work. :-)

karistouf 26/04/2011 - 23:03

i will update soon with client sketch from arduino sending its levels in art-net ;-)

colorsound 27/12/2011 - 13:57

At last i got some time to test your arnetduino , works great thanks , hoping to see the client version soon ;D

Luek_008 25/02/2013 - 11:51

Hi, Please can someone help, I need code to control WS2801 using Art-Net.


Jordimarto 19/04/2013 - 21:34

Somebody know if it's possible configure the arduino ethernet to use Art-net.

Use Arduino ethernet only, not using arduino uno + arduino ethernet shield.

sansui 07/05/2013 - 16:46

Is there a simple tutorials or example about Art-net vvvv?
I am trying to controll many LED strip with WS2801 chip.
In vvvv, DMX(ArtNet) node looks related.
I didn't understand your Arduino pde file perfectly.
could you give me any advice?

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