If you also think that using the Astronomy nodes to handle times and dates is a pain then this pack could make you happy.
Version history
Since v0.5.6
- small bugfix in select nodes
Since v0.5.5
- vvvv beta33.3 compatibility
- added JSON serializing (important if you use time in your own plugin and want to de/serialize the object in JSON format)
Since v0.5.4
- vvvv beta33 compatibility
- fixed toString method in core dll (important if you use the nuget package VVVV.Packs.Time)
Since v0.5
- vvvv beta32 compatibility
- Fixed a bug in AsTime (Value Decimal)
Since v0.4
- AsTime (Value Decimal Advanced)
- AsTime (Value Decimal)
- AsTime (Value Unix)
- S+H (Time Timespan)
Since v0.3 (thanks to sebl):
- AsValue (Time Decimal)
- AsValue (Time Unix)
- AsString (Time Unix)
Since v0.1
- CurrentTime (Time)
- LocalTimezone (Time)
- ChangeTimezone (Time)
- AsTime (String)
- AsTime (Value)
- AsString (Time)
- AsString (TimeSpan)
- Time(Time Split)
- Time(Time Join)
- Zip (Time)
- Unzip (Time)
- Sort (Time)
- + (Time, TimeSpan)
- - (Time, TimeSpan)
- - (Time, Time)
- + (TimeSpan, TimeSpan)
- - (TimeSpan, TimeSpan)
- TimeSpan (Time Join)
- TimeSpan (Time Split)
- Select (Time)
- Select (Time Bin)
- > (Time)
- < (Time)
- = (Time)
- S+H (Time)
- GetSlice (Time)
- SetSlice (Time)
- DeleteSlice (Time)
Install Guide
- Download relevant version
- Copy folder into vvvv directory, like you would do for addonpack
Source Code
You can find the source code here:https://github.com/letmp/vvvv-Time
You can use vvvv-time in your own project by adding VVVV.Packs.Time as nuget dependency to make your nodes compatible with this contribution.https://www.nuget.org/packages/VVVV.Packs.Time/
Comments and bugreports are highly appreciated!
And here is a funny new years eve patch.
You can see when everyone steps into 2014 ;)
Started on some time nodes before, will have a look later and see if I have something to complement this contribution.
v0.2 contains 3 new nodes:
Gregorian (Time Split/Join) was renamed to Time (Time Split/Join).
The sourcecode in my github was also cleaned up and restructured. thanks to velcrome ;)
thanks for that
Thank you for this TMP! Real nice.
Thanks! Was here another plugin like this?
this is very essential.
tmp, can I ask a question?
why different 'day of week' order with Gregorian(Astronomy Split)?
today is friday, Greogorian has 6 in DayOfWeek output.
Time(time split) has 5 in DayOfWeek output.
hey sansui, of course you can ask questions ;)
as stated on microsofts developer network ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.datetime.dayofweek(v=vs.90).aspx ) the constants in the DayOfWeek enums range from 0(=sunday) to 6(=saturday).
the standard gregorian (astronomy split) node uses the SysUtils.DayOfWeek function ( http://docs.embarcadero.com/products/rad_studio/delphiAndcpp2009/HelpUpdate2/EN/html/delphivclwin32/SysUtils_DayOfWeek.html ) and counts from 1 (=sunday) to 7 (=saturday).
it is a design decision but from a computer scientists view it makes more sense to count from 0 to 6 ;)
thank you for answer!
I got it.
have to admit i didn't have a look at this contribution at all but just stumbled about this nuget http://www.nodatime.org/ and thought it could be relevant..
hey joreg!
i also stumbled about nodatime and decided not to use it, because i didn't want the time pack to be dependent of a foreign framework (that is not "finished" yet). but it indeed looks very interesting and offers many additional features that could be useful in vvvv.
regarding to the roadmap ( http://nodatime.org/developer/roadmap.html ) and current limitations ( http://nodatime.org/1.2.x/userguide/limitations.html ) it seems to be a good idea to revisit nodatime when version 2.0 gets released and rewrite the timepack with the help of it.
thanks for contribution, but i cant run pack with fresh beta32_x86.
had no problem with b31.2
ok thanks for the info.
i will fix it on monday!
if you are in a hurry you can already have a look at https://github.com/letmp/vvvv-Time and try to fix it yourself.
the time-pack should be beta32 compatible now.
the core of the time pack is available via nuget now (vvvv.packs.time).
you can access many functions to handle conversion/arithmetic easily and make your nodes compatible with the time pack.