only 29 days,
but still too many news and updates to follow. so here is a recap of the vvvv communities activities in february:
since a few days the download-counter is working again for contributions. sorry for the delay, we sure lost quite some counts for the statistics, but you know, everyone is so busy these days.. so whats been new last month?
darrelpuser gives to us a comprehensive set of Voronoibeta-contribution plugins. All you ever wanted to know from voronoi, you’ll find it there.
minouser is crazy, we already knew that. but his latest contribution tops the pops: Shadertoy Rendererbeta-contribution takes a GLSL fragment shader with shadertoy syntax and returns a vvvv texture..
vjc4user shared his 360° Panorama Correctionbeta-contribution module which he uses to fix images coming from a Ricoh Theta camera
antokhiouser added the materials for his Raymarching Basicsbeta-contribution vveekend vvorkshop
drehwurmuser uploaded his first contribution, a convenient module to work with the AKAI APC Mini Controllerbeta-contribution
woeiuser updated his Scripter (CSharpbeta-contribution) with a lot of nifty new features
tonfilmuser updated his VAudio packbeta-contribution which now creates a generic userinterface for VST plugins that don’t have their own
and if i’m interpreting these latest screenshots correctly it seems as if velcromeuser and microdeeuser have something cooking..
Oldies but goldies
already more than 3 years old the
CV.Image packbeta-contribution by elliotwoodsuser is still the one to choose when doing anything computer-vision. and it seems sebluser has a great addition to it in the making: looks like a spreadable input for uEye cameras..
many people are using vvvv for commercial work, which is great. only hardly anyone seems to bother posting their work in the gallery. because of course everyone is too busy. never mind, leaves more space for the arts:
- rogalaguser just posted his latest work
- dominikkolleruser shared the latest update to his award-winning project Visual Drumset
- Junky_Incuser projectionmapped a weddingdress
- the Ars Electronica Futurelab used vvvv for their latest concert visualisation in the Walt Disney Music Hall in Los Angeles
- BadaBoom have created a portable green box they use with vvvv
and some people apparently are simply to lazy to post their stuff and i have to go dig it all out by myself. check this latest work by sunepuser. best viewed on a large projection with speakers set to max:
also tekcoruser sent in his latest work, a hybrid system of vvvv and vvvv.js. he writes: MixBot is a Web Audio API DJ mixer with advanced effects and logarithmic waveforms where vvvv on the server does the CMS creates the waveforms via VAudio and vvvv.js does the UI client-side.
microdeeuser organized another vveekend vvorkshop with antokhiouser who gave an introduction to Raymarching. as usual you can watch them all in the vveekend vvorkshops youtube channel.
and if you’re free between april 12-16th come to and join the 3 day intensive VL workshop with gregsnuser and eliasuser.
what the VL?
it is amazing! i’m hoping to write a winter update before the end of winter.. ah and if you haven’t already, check out the completely refurbished Editing Framework we patched almost entirely in VL. available in latest alphas.
enouvvvv. let us know if i forgot to mention something by adding it in the comments. looking forward to seeing what you come up with in march..
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thank you joreg for the monthly summary, the work is appreciated !
if i may speak for myself, the gallery is still not appealing. it’s still this big pile of posts where everything gets lost.
a “simple” layout change would help i.e grid view. maybe some highlight projects being slightly larger. i mean you start to curate in these monthly blog posts, why not in the gallery too. would make the pile more entertaining.