Vilhelm - Week 36, a prenatal concert

December 21, 2016 posted by: sunep Guest Post
Who:sunep, Iben Kaalund and Vilhelm
Location:Cefe Sorte Firkant
Where:Blågpårdsgade 29 A-E, Copenhagen N, Denmark
Lat / Long:55.686045 12.557842
From:28 Dec 2016 15:00
To:28 Dec 2016 21:00

Vilhelm scan

Vilhelm performs a prenatal concert in collaboration with mom and dad

A new human being is on its way to the world. The new person is very close to being ready to enter the world and can already be felt and heard if you listen in the right way.

To celebrate his pending arrival and future ability to see and hear the World without it being filtered by mums belly, Vilhelm is making a little concert.

Vilhelm already has a very active heart that beats around 135 times per minute. Through the use of a fetal doppler ultrasound probe it is possible to hear the heart and other sounds from the womb. These sounds are manipulated to create interesting soundscapes all while being able to hear them as clearly as we can capture them.

There are in total 4 concerts

December 9 2016 at 22:00 at platform 4, Aalborg December 21 2016 at 20:00 at Odense Musikbibliotek, Odense December 28 at 16:00 and 19:00 atCafe Sorte Firkant, Copenhagen N

Iben Kaalund by Krzysztof Wieczorek


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01.01.2017 - 15:07
nice:: is there a recording of this ?
01.01.2017 - 21:32

I do have some documentation, but it will probably be a little while until I can put it together and I didn’t get any documentation from the Copenhagen concerts… Vilhelm decided to enter the world on December 27. So the concerts in Copenhagen were cancelled

Say hi to Vilhelm, My little patcher: Vilhelm Waving

PS: He might delay the documentation of the concerts a bit.

02.01.2017 - 10:47
congratulations! (and a happy new life :)
02.01.2017 - 18:58
congratulations, well done! hello vilhelm! :)



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