2015.1.24 Japan meetup vol.3
We held vvvv Japan meetup every month. We have a workshop and information exchange.
Japan Meetup vol.1 https://atnd.org/events/59112 http://junky-inc.blogspot.jp/2014/11/vvvvvvvv.html
Japan Meetup vol.2 https://atnd.org/events/59754 http://qiita.com/yhy_jp/items/29102ebea94fba729b16
Contents: 1.For Beginner: Basic Operation 2.About Spread 3.vvvv and difference in another language(Max/msp/jitter, Pd, Touch Designer…and so on) 4.Lightning Talk
Spread Sample Patch is here. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-aWXftvAHSxMURuQ2twMkpjczg&authuser=0
Junki Yoshioka
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