here is a supasmall thing. But it can be supausefull. So i thought you should know rightaway: We’re all familiar with noisy signals coming from sensors and the simplest thing in vvvv to do to calm such a signal always was to use a Damper (Animation)node. But of course that introduces a lag, which is sometimes unwanted.
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Enter the 1€ Filter: A Simple Speed-based Low-pass Filter for Noisy Input in Interactive Systems All credits to its creators: Géry Casiez, Nicolas Roussel, Daniel Vogel and Mitsuru Furuta from which we borrowed the C# implementation.
Available now with more details in the helppatch in the latest alpha.
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i am not sure why you ask about a filepath.. just doubleclick in a patch to popup the nodebrowser and type “oneeuro..” to make it come up. if it does not show up like this you are not running the latest version of vvvv.
in case you’re asking for the source, it is here: https://github.com/vvvv/vvvv-sdk/blob/develop/vvvv45/src/nodes/plugins/Animation/OneEuroFilter/OneEuroFilterNode.cs
To clarify, that behavior is to always use the slice history, regardless of slice count changes, yes? I tried making wrappers that bang a reset when the spread count changes, but that is still not great.
I’ve been thinking it would be helpful for all of those animation filter nodes to have a version that took a spread of IDs as well to maintain behavior, since in tracking applications you frequently do have an ID associated with the data. That way the correct history would apply wherever in the spread the data moved to. One of these days…