node13 workshops III

December 5, 2012 posted by: joreg

now what do we have here…some workshops dealing with specific sets of nodes that all happen to have been brought to you by our king of code: vuxuser

Box2d - 2D physics based interaction elektromeieruser together with tgduser (creator of the box2d-playgroundbeta-contribution ) will show you how to use the box2d physics engine in vvvv.

Bullet - 3D physics based interaction microdeeuser creator of the LBRNTH and gazuser will give you a similar treatment but for the bullet physics engine.

note that both box2d and bullet have a similar way of being operated in vvvv. so if you have only time to visit one or the other you should still be able to take your gained knowledge from one and apply it to the other.

Kinect Basics Kinect Playground both of the kinect workshops will be hosted by gazuser and lecloneuruser. first they’ll make sure you get the hardware up and running and will tell you what data you get from the kinect and what you can do with it. the second workshop is more for playing around with some samples and realizing your own ideas.

and still more to come..we’re not even half through yet..


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